Protecting the health, safety and welfare of residents in our community is a critical task for Spalding County public officials. Natural disasters cost billions of dollars annually in this country. The loss of life, injury, and damage to homes and businesses cause incalculable hardships and emotional suffering. One way Spalding County officials can help the community become more disaster-resistant is by planning for disasters before they occur. The tool that has proven to be most successful in that effort is Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Planning. Hazard Mitigation Planning is the process of determining how to reduce or eliminate risk in loss of life and property damage resulting from natural or manmade hazards in advance of an event. Our community can become a safer place to live, work, and do business.
Funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Spalding County now has an opportunity to participate in a Hazard Mitigation Planning Program to update our current PDM Plan. The Program will begin with a local kick-off meeting on November 4, 2015 at 2:30pm at the Spalding County Annex located at 119 East Solomon Street. Spalding County’s participation in this planning process and update of our Hazard Mitigation Plan, insures that we will continue to meet Federal guidelines for future disaster funding. An updated and approved Hazard Mitigation Plan will allow our community to qualify for disaster funding and compete favorably for other funding opportunities.
The kick-off meeting will provide participants with an overview of the Hazard Mitigation Planning Program and will begin the process of updating our plan.
For more information, contact Spalding County EMA at (770)228-2129.