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January 17th, 2014

Spalding County Parks & Recreation is currently accepting nominations for the annual “Bain Proctor Award for Volunteerism”. Nominations will be accepted until the end of the business day on February 28, 2014. Any resident of Spalding County who has volunteered his/her service to benefit the community may be nominated for this award. The candidate may not be paid or otherwise compensated for their service. Nominations should include the following:

  • A cover page with the nominee’s name and address, the name of the person submitting the nomination, contact information, and the name of the nominating association or organization if any.
  • A maximum of a one-page (12 point font, 1-inch margins) statement documenting the nominees volunteer service to Spalding County and it’s citizens.

Nominations can be submitted to the Parks and Recreation administrative office, 843 Memorial Drive or you can submit the completed packet, as an attachment, by email to

For more information, please call 770-467-4750.


The Bain Proctor Award for Volunteerism is awarded annually by the Spalding County Board of Commissioners in recognition of outstanding current and/or past service as a volunteer in developing, sustaining and enhancing facilities and/or programs for Spalding County citizens.

Bain Proctor epitomized volunteer service in his 23 years as a member of the Spalding County community. He led by example, volunteering his time and services. He encouraged and organized others in volunteering their talents and time to the betterment of the community. The Bain Proctor Award for Volunteerism recognizes other ·outstanding volunteers in our community and encourages unselfish volunteerism that contributes to the growth, development and strengthening of the quality of services and activities for all Spalding County citizens.

Eligibility. Any resident of Spalding County who has volunteered his/her services to the betterment of the community may be nominated for this award. The candidate may not be paid or otherwise compensated for this service. .Previous awardees are not eligible.

Nomination. A nomination packet should be compiled and submitted by the nominator(s). This packet will include:

  1. A cover page with the nominee’s name and address, the name of the person(s) submitting the nomination, contact information (address, telephone numbers) for nominator(s), and name of the nominating association/organization (if any).
  2. A maximum of a one-page (12 point font, 1-inch margins) statement documenting the nominee’s volunteer service to Spalding County and its citizens.

Nomination packets must be submitted to the Director of the Spalding County Recreation Department on or before March 01 of each year.

Selection. A panel of 5 individuals, plus an ex officio member from Spalding County Commission, will review the submitted nomination packets and select the recipient. The panel will be proposed by the Spalding County Recreation Advisory Board and approved by the Commission. It will include (1) a member of the Spalding County Recreation Advisory Board (who will also serve as the panel chair), (2) the previous year’s recipient of the award, and (3) three at-large Spalding County citizens.

Presentation. The Award will be presented annually by the Chair of the Spalding County Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission and coinciding with National Volunteer Week in April as proclaimed annually by the President of the United States. Special efforts will be made to include members of the Bain Proctor family in this ceremony with appropriate media and web site coverage.

Spalding County, GA