The Spalding County Senior Center is excited to introduce“Come Grow With Us,” an innovative, raised bed gardening project for senior citizens ages 50 and over made possible through a partnership between Spalding County Parks, Public Grounds and Leisure Services, Spalding County Cooperative Extension Office, the Georgia Resource and Development Council/Two Rivers RC&D and the Griffin Home Depot.
“Come Grow With Us,” an innovative, raised bed gardening project for senior citizens ages 50 and over made possible through a partnership between Spalding County Parks, Public Grounds and Leisure Services, Spalding County Cooperative Extension Office, the Georgia Resource and Development Council/Two Rivers RC&D and the Griffin Home Depot.
This exciting project will include vegetable gardening and handson planting of carrots, spinach, lettuce, kale, radishes, broccoli and herbs!
We are looking for volunteers interested in “Growing With Us”. Please join us on Friday, February 3, 2017, at the
Spalding County Senior Center
885 Memorial Drive
Griffin, Georgia
from 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
For information, call the Spalding County Senior Center at 770-467-4384